About two months ago, Harmony University announced and celebrated a $50,000 endowment from the Barbershop Harmony Society to create the Grand Central Red Caps Scholarship for singers, educators, and directors of color. Beginning this year in 2018, an annual full scholarship award will be extended to 4 applicants of color with backgrounds in music education and directing. HALO is very grateful and excited to share that 3 of those awards have been bestowed to us! And thanks to the support of someone in the Barbershop family (who has requested to remain anonymous) and our gigging #HALOgrind, we will be able to sponsor the remaining tuition so that all four of us are able to attend!

And in case you’re wondering- the fourth scholarship was awarded to our appointed HALO, Inc. President- Jessie Caynon, who is the first African American female director in Sweet Adeline’s International.
We are so honored to accept this opportunity in memory of the Grand Central Red Caps, of the roots of this art form we love so much, and of the Barbershop community that has evolved and has committed to its continued evolution and growth in striving for a more inclusive association. Many thanks to the Barbershop Harmony Society and to all of those whose support has propelled us this far.