HALO Summer Happenings!

Hi, folks! Whew, so much has happened in a fairly short amount of time. For starters, HALO qualified to compete at Harmony, Inc. Internationals in November!


Also, we’d announced the great news that we would be going to Harmony University this July for the first time as recipients of the Red Caps Scholarship. We mulled over the course list to find the best classes possible to help us prepare for ICC, since we were enrolled in Harmony College because the Quartet College was full before the scholarships were awarded. So when we recently got news that a quartet had withdrawn from the college and the space was generously offered to us, we were totally stoked! So we can’t wait to get this #HALOgrind on, y’all!!!


We of course have also been continuing our Race and #RealTalk program in Frederick, with locals and travelers alike. The process has been difficult but it hasn’t ceased to be inspiring. The energy and determination of the participants has truly kept us going with believing in the cause and our efforts toward it. More groups have begun to reach out to us to engage in Race and #RealTalk– this program is truly alive and growing!

Now we are excited to share the culminating concert program to be held Saturday June 30, at 2:30 pm— hosted by All Saint’s Episcopal Church at 106 W Church St. Frederick, MD. We have special guests and great music to help communicate our message and the journey of this group, which we look forward to seeing continue. We hope you’ll join us!


Let’s see… does that cover things? Oh, perhaps one more… our tenor is pregnant. We hope the baby doesn’t try to enter the world in Orlando. #neveradullmoment #bahbashaaaap #HALOgrind

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